Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Israel risks peace to save Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard

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Israel risks peace to save Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard
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Shades of Gray, Ray Hanania's Political Comic Strips
Sept. 21, 2010
Israel balks on peace to salvage Jonathan Pollard, the spy who stole critical American secrets that jeopardized the lives of thousands of American soldiers and spies for Israel. Pollard was paid huge sums and lavished with gold and jewelry by Israel in exchange for the information, some of which made it to Pakistan and enemies of the United States.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque debate filled with hypocrisy

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Ray Hanania's World Comic Strip Shades of Gray. Sept. 11, 2010.
Only some people have the right to mourn the victims of Sept. 11, 2001. The rest are victims of the terrorism, too, including Muslims, tolerance and the fight against racism.